Sunday, November 25, 2007

Social Media is "The Godfather" of the Internet ... NOT

Well if social media is the mafia/godfather of the internet... then what is C|net or Slashdot or even Digg? Dose social media control the internet or is it merely a reflection of a post 90's generation need to be on the yearbook comity? Time Tells all but for one thing is certain cash is king and some of the above listed sights have a lot of it.... perhaps social media is not the godfather but a passing fad, a glimpse of right now; I say social media is the Crash Test Dummies of today... A great band in there own right; but who plays it anymore besides Lucy (XM54 in the us). Lets think before we compare greatness with ambiguity and passing fads.

read more | digg story

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