Wednesday, November 28, 2007

ICO Violates GPL

Well normally I don't like to blast away at PS2's thunder. Seams to me the publishers of ICO could benefit more than suffer by releasing the source code and providing space for a community to thrive. However past experiences with this sort of thing tend to lead me in an alternate direction. hop over to Digg or the website linked below for the proof.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

5 ways to make your PC more like a Mac; But why?

Here's another example of what the spinning rim, black under lighting, and NOS installing wanna be Geek fan boy has brought to the table (along with crappy case mods, supporting an ever growing list of 3rd person shooters that suck, and daddy's trust fund money.) Theres a time and place for everything boys and girls; and that place is high school. But seriously; In the below linked article, (well written and lain out by the way), sets out guides for setting up the windows Vista/XP UI to be more like a Mac. The question I lay before you is WHY? If you want a mac, buy a mac, be an adult and say proudly: I'M BUYING A MAC BECAUSE I THINK IT'S USEFUL. Not that it's my personal choice; however, I use a lot of windows only applications in day to day tasks; its' not really an option for me. Which is neither here nor there. I submit however, that the never ending quest to make PC's more like macs has never gone well... Lets look at a few company's who've tried this. NExT - Steve Jobs pet project that was broken up and sold off in peaces. Be OS, a company started by cast off (cast off or left intentionally)mac software engineers with little clear cut goals besides making an alternative to windows. The new operateing system that sold abysmally, and they couldn't even really give it away either. Am i missing anything else? Not to sound overtly negative (like I have any chance of that now) however there's good reasons to doing as the article says ... however talk about it messing with system configuration files spells disaster for the very large percentage of users who would be using the software for the "flashing lights and neat buzzer" factor. I'd have played the article out as more of a guide for advanced users who are put off by the Vista / XP UI and need something else.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Social Media is "The Godfather" of the Internet ... NOT

Well if social media is the mafia/godfather of the internet... then what is C|net or Slashdot or even Digg? Dose social media control the internet or is it merely a reflection of a post 90's generation need to be on the yearbook comity? Time Tells all but for one thing is certain cash is king and some of the above listed sights have a lot of it.... perhaps social media is not the godfather but a passing fad, a glimpse of right now; I say social media is the Crash Test Dummies of today... A great band in there own right; but who plays it anymore besides Lucy (XM54 in the us). Lets think before we compare greatness with ambiguity and passing fads.

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By Far the Best... Life and Adventures of Santa Claus

OK so is it' so bad to digg my own post? well anyways like the post on TV Guide says this is one of the greatest Christmas specials ever!!! really! it out Saturday the 8th on ABC Family.... its an adaptation of the L. Frank Balm classic story the Life and Adventures of Santa Claus.

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